Littleton Drew Lane


Trinity CE VC Primary School

“Shine as lights in the world;” Philippians 2:15

Courage ● Friendship ● Respect

  1. News
  2. Our Shining Stars
  3. Our Shining Stars (05.01.24)

Our Shining Stars (05.01.24)

5 January 2024 (by admin)

This week our Shining Stars are; Gilbert, Guy, Arnie and Arty.

Gilbert was chosen for making us proud when he has tried his best in English this week. He has understood how to write a caption and came up with some brilliant ideas. Well done for working so hard, keep it up!

Guy was chosen for his excellent maths work. He completed all the Maths questions and set his method out clearly in his book. Well done Guy!

Arnie was chosen for making amazing progress in his reading. He’s been really getting into his books and shows a real love of reading in class. He’s been reading for pleasure loads and has managed to move up to the next bands really quickly. Great work, Arnie. All of your effort has paid off! Keep up the great reading.

Arty was chosen for excellent thoughtful contributions to class discussions in English, Guided Reading and Science. Thank you for the quality of your contributions and the way in which you expressed them so clearly.

Well done boys, this was a fantastic way to start the term.